About ZYX Foundation
ZYX Foundation – scale the future

ZYX Foundation is a non-profit organization intended to support ZYX environment and prospective technologies. ZYX Foundation do not control, manage or have a decisive influence on ZYX but is a part of institutional ZYX support system (consisted of a large amount of individuals, companies and others).

Foundation registered in Switzerland in 2020. The ZYX Foundation is a Swiss foundation, supervised by the Swiss Federal Foundation SupervisoryAuthority. Our purpose is the promotion of the ZYX protocol through grants and other capital deployment vehicles. Our activity is not related to the receipt of profit or income from entrepreneurial activity. We accumulate voluntary donations from community members and then allocate these resources to projects and companies providing infrastructure development. So all conditions for long-term success of ZYX are ensured.

ZYX Foundation
vision and mission

The primary mission of ZYX Foundation is to create and foster a global community of researchers, developers and activists. Build a community that will maintain, develop and promote the ZYX ecosystem.Also Foundation see foundation memory.

ZYX Foundation
Find ZYX Foundation Memo to see more details. Also on this site visit other sections to:
1About ZYX – to find out what ZYX cryptocurrency is
2ZYX Community – to see events and membership rules allowing to be a part of ZYX
3ZYX Foundation Outlines – to find out more main ZYX Foundation features.
Foundation registered in Switzerland in 2020. The ZYX Foundation is a Swiss foundation, supervised by the Swiss Federal Foundation Supervisory Authority.

Request grant
for your project

If you have an idea based on ZYX Network blockchain, please leave your data and information regarding the project and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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